I was fascinated by languages since a very young age, moreover the love for the music of Michael Jackson made me familiar with the English language. During the intermediate school, my teacher wanted me to go to summer school to strengthen my English, however the trip to England was very expensive and my family couldn’t afford it. I always felt very sad about it since several students, way less proficient than me, had the chance to study abroad only because they came from wealthy family. In spite of everything I never gave up on that dream and finally my chance came during my high school. The principal of the school managed to find 15 scholarships to send the most deserving students to study in London. Only the students with at least 8/10 in English could participate to Trinity Certification level 9, and those with the highest final mark would win the scholarship. I prepared the exam with a very clever schoolmate and we did the exam at the university with other 50 students, I felt very worried since the number of candidate was quite high. One day my friend came running to my class and said “Helena! The Trinity marks are finally out! Let’s go to see the at the bulletin point at ground floor!”. My heart was beating so fast, the pressure was so high I kept saying to myself “Please Lord let me get the scholarship. Please let me get at least the 15th place.” We ran through the corridor and the down the stairs. A lot of students were in front of the bulletin point…I was so scared I didn’t want to look up. I started to check from the 50th place…”Ok my name is not here…Maybe I have a chance”. My friend looked at me and said “Helena, where are you looking at?! Look up! You are at the first place!”. My heart stopped, I couldn’t believe it. I started crying… I meant so much to me. All the best students of the school started to congratulate with me, I couldn’t believe it. It was live a movie. For the first time I felt I was like Cinderella and I finally got my happy ending.