When I was a child I had the dream of visiting Disneyland in Paris. Of course, I was aware the request was something very expensive and it was a privilege that not all the families could afford. Thus, the only thing I knew I could do was to deserve it working hard. I turned 10 years old and my last year of primary school started. That academic year was particularly scary for all the students since at the end of the year they have to do the final exams necessary to access the middle school. I said to myself: this is the right time to make a deal. I spoke with my parents and I said “If I will finish the primary school getting the highest grade at the final exams, you have to promise me you are going to reward me going to Disneyland in Paris. A promise is a promise.” I felt really stimulated during the year and I made it! I finished all the exams getting as final mark “excellence” the highest grade I could get. My parent endeed kept their promise and I visited Paris for the first time.