I travelled to OZ a couple of times both for working reasons and for leisure since I was living with their Kiwi neighbors and it was easy to move. I had the chance to explore different iconic areas, however Australia is a huge continent so I only got a taste of it. I connect this land to big achievements and important milestones of my personal growth. My leisure trip to Australia was my first real solo trip, thanks to this experience I started to live travels from a very new prospective and I learnt we are never really alone but in company of the world. Actually travelling alone allows to interact more with locals and helps becoming more communicative with people that in general results to be helpful and kind… In the end the world is not a bad and dangerous place as we think. My working trip represented the very first time I presented my scientific  research to an international conference. I had my first oral speech at Sofitel a very fancy Skyspreaper, in the Gold Coast Broadbeach… Somehow, I felt I had finally a voice and presenting in such a beautiful venue made me feel very important. On top of that I had the chance to become friend with Elliott a gorgeous Koala I hold during the closing dinner of the conference that was held at “Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary”.